Background & Context

Schoters is a platform aimed at helping students and professionals navigate scholarship opportunities worldwide. As part of their growth strategy, Schoters invests heavily in lead generation through paid ads, driving users from various platforms into their funnel. Currently, their lead generation funnel follows this process:

$$ Ads → Mini Landing Page → Form → WhatsApp (Human Agent) $$

Problem Statement

Schoters faces several challenges in converting leads from their ads funnel into meaningful conversations with prospects. The existing funnel involves multiple steps, which may be causing drop-offs or leading to low-quality leads. Additionally, the use of human agents on WhatsApp might be influencing the conversion rates, as manual communication can be slow or inconsistent.

The challenges included:


Market Analysis

Company Ad Strategy Lead Harvesting Technique Funnel Optimization
Ruangguru Targeted Facebook Ads Web-based lead forms Multi-step onboarding
Zenius Google Ads with Dynamic Retargeting WhatsApp Support and Web Chat Simplified onboarding with push notifications
Khan Academy Organic SEO + Paid Search AI Chatbot for FAQ assistance One-step registration process

Multivariate Experiment Design

To test these hypotheses, four different funnel variants will be created and compared.

Variant Funnel Flow Whatsapp Interaction Hypothesis
A Ads → LP → JotForm → WhatsApp Human WhatsApp message initiated by a human agent. This keeps the funnel intact with a human touchpoint, testing for leads who prefer a personal connection.
B Ads → LP → JotForm → WhatsApp Chatbot AI WhatsApp message initiated by an AI chatbot. Automating the chat interaction via AI might streamline responses and increase conversions.
C Ads → JotForm → WhatsApp Human Users skip the LP and go straight to a JotForm, followed by WhatsApp interaction with a human agent. Reducing the number of steps before reaching WhatsApp might lower drop-off rates, while the human agent ensures quality interaction.
D Ads → JotForm → WhatsApp Chatbot AI Users skip the LP and go straight to JotForm, followed by WhatsApp interaction with a chatbot. Simplifying the funnel and using an AI chatbot may reduce friction and optimize for quick, automated follow-ups.


After running the pilot for two weeks, Schoters gathered sufficient data from the four funnel variants. The goal was to determine which variant optimized lead conversion from ads to WhatsApp while balancing lead quality and overall engagement.